About CEC

CEC is a new idea in power generation that is building, operating and maintaining community-shared clean energy facilities. CEC is pioneering the model of delivering clean power-generation through medium-scale facilities that are collectively owned by participating utility customers. CEC's proprietary software automatically calculates monthly credits for members and integrates with the utilities' existing billing system. Our Mission

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Energy has become part and parcel of our daily lives. We use it for lighting our homes, operating machinery and industrial equipment, cooking food, playing music, powering a wide range of appliances, and so on. However, excessive consumption of energy is expensive, not to mention, harmful to our environment. Luckily, there are several ways we can reduce energy consumption while still enjoying its full benefits. Here’s why conserving energy is so important:   It’s good for the Environment As the energy sector continues to thrive, a lot of waste is released to the environment. Coal and other fossil fuels are often burnt to produce energy and, in the process, different kinds of gases and residual particles are emitted to the environment. If we do not take control of the levels of these toxins, they can pollute the environment and affect our health as well. Energy conservation helps to reduce carbon footprint in the universe. Energy conservation should begin from the household level. For starters, a typical household can reduce energy consumption by up to 30% by simply installing energy-efficient appliances.   It Saves You Money With the ever-increasing utility bills, it makes sense that everyone wants to save as much as possible. Energy conservation can help you do that. Start by investing in energy-efficient appliances, lighting bulbs, and heating systems. This will save your energy bills by you up to 25-30%. It’s important to compare and switch energy tariffs. This is because most fixed energy deals last for about three years, meaning if you don’t take action when they expire chances are you’ll automatically be moved to the company’s standard tariff, which isn’t always the cheapest. Switching energy suppliers can save you up to £390 per year on your energy bills. It Prevents Destruction of Habitats The energy industry is often associated with land fragmentation, which can separate animals from their natural habitats. Building dams, clearing forests, and digging up coal are some ways we destroy natural habitats. We can significantly combat habitat loss through energy conservation. A good way to start is to harness natural resources and utilize them in a way that minimizes destruction to habitats. Energy conservation regulations often address these issues at the policy level for the benefit of natural habitats.   It Combats Climate Change   The biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions is the energy industry. The energy sector must, therefore, spearhead the global efforts towards combating climate change. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has carried out various assessments on the impact of energy consumption in homes, industries, transport, buildings, and many other areas and recommended energy conservation as the top strategy in achieving the world’s climate goal. Under the Paris agreement, the global average temperature should be limited to below 2°C above preindustrial levels. It Enhances the Quality of Life One way to conserve energy is to optimize energy use. By doing so, you can increase comfort levels in your home, which in turn offers notable health benefits. For instance, proper ventilation in your home prevents the buildup of indoor pollutants. This lowers the risk of certain health problems, including allergies, rashes, headaches, sinusitis, and asthma.