About CEC

CEC is a new idea in power generation that is building, operating and maintaining community-shared clean energy facilities. CEC is pioneering the model of delivering clean power-generation through medium-scale facilities that are collectively owned by participating utility customers. CEC's proprietary software automatically calculates monthly credits for members and integrates with the utilities' existing billing system. Our Mission

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Local governments can dramatically reduce their carbon footprint by purchasing or directly generating electricity from clean, renewable sources. The most common renewable power technologies include: Local governments can lead by example by generating energy on–site, purchasing green power, or purchasing renewable energy. Using a combination of renewable energy options can help meet local government goals especially in some regions where availability and quality of renewable resources vary. Options for using renewable energy include:

Benefits of Renewable Energy

Environmental and economic benefits of using renewable energy include:

Implementing On-site Renewable Energy Projects

On-site power generation provides local governments with the most direct access to renewable energy. In addition to the overall benefits, on-site projects also provide a hedge against financial risks and improve power quality and supply reliability. However, local governments considering on-site generation may face possible technical, financial, and regulatory challenges. To overcome these challenges, local governments can: